Tuesday, November 20, 2012

About this blog.

Swami Durgananda 

Realized Master & Initiated Master of Meditation
Spiritual Leader of Samata Samashti Dharma

Durga Swami has taught yoga, meditation and philosophy around the world for over 40yrs. Teaching with compassion and a profound understanding of the human condition Durga Swami has written several book 'Thought are Things' is one of them.

You are invited to share your thoughts by commenting on this blog and you will learn from Swami Durgananda's profound wisdom...  I look forward to the journey of learning and self discovery we can explore together - I encourage you to participate in this opportunity. 
Regards, Admin Officer...

For more information about Swami Durgananda go to: http://samatayoga.com.au

To read Swami's articles go to: http://samatasamashtidharma.blogspot.com.au/

Sunday, November 18, 2012

Thoughts Are Things - Part 39

What is your most important possession in this world? 

- without a healthy mind all is lost. 

It is the great obstacle that 
prevents us from knowing oneself.
The same mind that separates us from the self 
is the same mind that helps us unite with it.
Swami Durgananda

Amanda's Comment: My mind can be my worst enemy and my dearest friend... 
Learning to take control of the mind, becoming aware of every thought, every waver seems like an impossible feat - however I know it is possible because Swami has done it. 

If you have any insights and would like to share, I look forward to hearing your thoughts... Amanda
To purchase the book 'Thought Are Things' & for information about Swami Durgananda go to:www.samatayoga.com.au
To read Swami's articles go to: http://samatasamashtidharma.blogspot.com.au/
or Enzine Articles: http://ezinearticles.com/?expert=Swami_Durgananda