Friday, August 3, 2012

Thoughts Are Things - Part 18

Change your attitude
and you change your life.
Swami Durgananda

Amanda's Comment: This is a powerful wisdom. 
It's become a mainstay in my life and work.When I’m starting a new venture or personal challenge my fears often rear their ugly head, negative thoughts kick in, that's when I go to this wisdom.   When I’m stuck in an internal battle with my negative thoughts or I'm challenged by life, I know if I change my attitude - find the learning I'm being presented, this will change my life. Swami often says ‘It’s up to you, the choice is in your hands’. Looking forward to hearing your thoughts ...

For more information about Swami Durgananda go 

Thoughts Are Things - Part 17

Fear is an emotion
it exists because you created it,
your demons are aspects of yourself they are your creation. You alone create, maintain and have the power to destroy - this power lies within your mind in fact there is nothing to fear except fear itself. 
Swami Durgananda

Amanda's Comment: When my marriage ended I went through a period where I was paralysed by fear, I felt very alone and I didn't know what to do, so I didn't do anything.  Searching for help I read somewhere 'there is nothing to fear except fear itself' this helped, but I didn't really understand what it meant.

Now I have a deeper understanding - the power lies within my mind - I create my thoughts, if I control my thoughts I can overcome my fears.  Thank you Swami... I look forward to hearing your thoughts...

For more information about Swami Durgananda go to:

To read Swami's articles on Enzine Articles go to:

Thoughts Are Things - Part 16

The physical plain of existence
is unfinished imperfect
So are you. 
Swami Durgananda

Amanda's Comment: I have spent an extraordinary amount of my time and my energy striving to be perfect...  if I didn't succeed at something I saw myself as a failure. 

I would punish myself for not being perfect - quiet often the first time I tried something. Then I wouldn't try it again, for fear of failure.

People would say to me 'you're your own worst enemy' -I didn't really understand what that meant, even thought I could punish myself for years after I had experienced a failure. 

Basically I was living a small life, only doing the things I was comfortable doing or I believed I could succeed in and avoiding everything else... I wasn't even aware I was living my life like this because it was part of my conditioning and resided so deep within me.

Swami has taught me to look within, to get to know myself,  to be mindful, to keep focused on my goals, not to give in to myself and to be gentle with myself in the process. My challenge is to follow this excellent advice. Looking forward to hearing your thoughts... 

For more information about Swami Durgananda go to:

To read Swami's articles on Enzine Articles go to:

Thoughts Are Things - Part 15

When I look outside
my eyes see the universe
when I look within 
I become the eye of the Universe.
Swami Durgananda

Amanda's Comment:  Swami's words are thought provoking... 

This is so expanding, its a real shift in consciousness. I feel like I'm at the beginning of a great adventure of discovery, like an explorer embarking into the unknown. Thank God I have an excellent guide.

Looking forward to hearing your thoughts... Srishti

For more information about Swami Durgananda go to:

  To read Swami's articles on Enzine Articles go to:

Thoughts Are Things - Part 14

There is nothing in the three worlds to fear
except TIME don't waste it.   
Swami Durgananda

Amanda's Comment: 
 I'm not going to beat myself up for not following this advice in the past, I pray that I remember to follow this wise advice right now and in the future ...   

Looking forward to you sharing your thoughts... Amanda

For more information about Swami Durgananda go to:

To read Swami's articles on Enzine Articles go to:

Thoughts Are Things - Part 13

Love Your Self
this is the first step to
Swami Durgananda 
Amanda's Comment: 
The simplicity of this is awe-inspiring...  
I'd like to share a poem I was inspired to write in 2006

Taught By Example
Swami's words are Love
Swami's actions are Love 
Swami's wisdom and knowledge are Love
Swami teaches you to
know & understand your self and to
Love & Accept All Aspects of Your Self 

Looking forward to you sharing your thoughts... Amanda

For more information about Swami Durgananda go to:

To read Swami's articles on Enzine Articles go to:

Thoughts Are Things - Part 12

Try not to judge others by your ideas
all of us are manifestations of the Divine Consciousness
but each of us is a different aspect of the whole
therefore you should not even judge yourself 
but accept yourself for who you are 
and why you are, a divine particle of your Creator.
Swami Durgananda

Amanda's comment:
When we think or say what if or if only we are judging others or ourselves because we are making them or us wrong.  Why is it so difficult to acceptance things the way they are?

When do you judge others? When do you judge yourself?

When do you accept others? When do you accept yourself? 
The more I accept  myself the deeper I understand who I am,
and I trust that I'll continue grow and evolve - which is ultimately  why I am. 

Looking forward to you sharing your thoughts... Amanda

For more information about Swami Durgananda go to:
To read Swami's articles on Enzine Articles go to:

Thoughts Are Things - Part 11

You are a mirror image of your soul.
Swami Durgananda 

Amanda's Comment:  How enlightening!

When I first read this I was amazed, I had always had the notion that my soul was pure, pristine and untainted and at times I had felt unworthy of its magnificence within me given all my foibles and negative attitudes. 

As I contemplated my soul and considered Swami’s teachings I understood that of course it would be a reflection of me with all my foibles and attitudes, as it is the real ME...

I believe that resting deep within my soul is the essence of my creator and my main purpose in life is to mature, refine and evolve…   That is why I'm here...

Looking forward to hearing your thoughts...  Amanda

For more information about Swami Durgananda go to:

To read Swami's articles on Enzine Articles go to:

Thoughts Are Things - Part 10

Faith is not giving in or giving up,
faith is living life to the fullest
enjoying every challenge and experience with joy and enthusiasm.
To have faith is to have knowledge
that every moment of your life is lived for the sole purpose of evolution.
Swami Durgananda 

Amanda's Comment: 

Does this resonate for you?  

It does for me... it drives me, supporting me through any rough experiences. And gives me the courage to fully experience the joys of life, which I have restricted in the past... 

I feel free to experience life with my real life purpose in view, to know my true self and to evolve.

Looking forward to you sharing your thoughts... Amanda

For more information about Swami Durgananda go to:

To read Swami's articles on Enzine Articles go to:

Thoughts Are Things - Part 9

All life’s experiences are predetermined.
All action is without coincidence.
The only freewill you have
is your attitude to reaction.

Swami Durgananda

Amanda's Comments: All life’s experiences are predetermined = Karma cause & effect
All action is without coincidence = Karma - action>reaction
The only freewill you have is your attitude to reaction. 

Swami once again reminds us  where our true power is - in each moment. Are you exercising your FREEWILL or are you letting your old habits (conditioning) run your life.  

These are the questions  to ask yourself as I do... 
Looking forward to you sharing your thoughts... Amanda

For more information about Swami Durgananda go to:

To read Swami's articles on Enzine Articles go to:

Thoughts Are Things - Part 7

The source of all matter
is consciousness.

Withdrawal of consciousness 
causes matter to disintegrate.
Swami Durgananda

Amanda's comment: 
When I become overwhelmed by a concept I look at each word to absorb its meaning. 
The source (basis / foundation) of all matter (substance / material) is consciousness (awareness / realisation).   Withdrawal (removal / extraction) of consciousness (awareness / realisation) causes (effects / results)  matter (substance / material) to disintegrate (to crumble, fragment).

Withdrawal of consciousness - has me bewildered now I'm asking myself what is the relationship between consciousness and life force / pranic energy...

Looking forward to you sharing your thoughts... Amanda

For information about Swami Durgananda go to:

To read Swami's articles on Enzine Articles

Thoughts Are Things - Part 6

 Every thought is a manifestation of your hidden desires.
Control your thoughts and you will control your desires. 
Control your desires is to control your destiny.
Swami Durgananda

Amanda's Comment: 
So that's what Swami means when she says 'the future is up to you, its in your hands'...
I love Swamis teachings they are guiding steps to live life with purpose. 

Simple straight forward steps on how to take responsibility for your life... and  learn who you really are, not who you think you are.... 

It's not about whether its easy or hard or how long it takes -  its about being on the journey,  doing the best you can in each moment.....  

Looking forward to you sharing your thoughts... Amanda

For information about Swami Durgananda go to:

To read Swami's articles on Enzine Articles
go to:

Comment from Kate January 5, 2012 10:11pm
Yes, I agree Srishti, and the quote " your future is in your hands" is not a cliche, I believe it to be so true.

Also aren't there something like millions of thoughts bopping around our head every day? Constant thoughts, chatter all day, the mind is full of thoughts. But I have noticed that sometimes my thoughts and words have needed some examining to see what my intention was behind them. Some thoughts and actions are almost on autopilot (like get to work, go to coffee shop, then ask myself "why am i getting a hot drink today? I don't even want one. Oh this is my habit and I get to say hi to the people in the cafe. Do I really need to buy and drink this drink?").

Thoughts Are Things - Part 5

Follow your destiny - that is Karma

Be true to yourself - that is Dharma

To be in tune with yourself

is to be in harmony with your Creator

Swami Durgananda

Amanda's Comment:  Swami has the ability to imparted knowledge with deft simplicity. Is this the 3 step plan to enlightenment? Looking forward to you sharing your thoughts... Amanda

For information about Swami Durgananda go to:
To read Swami's articles on Enzine Articles go to:

Thoughts Are Things - Part 4

 Just do the best you can
and in any moment in time
that is your TRUTH.
Swami Durgananda

Amanda's Comment: When I was growing up I was told my best wasn't good enough,  which I found to be an enormous burgeon to carry. When I first read these wise words I felt a huge surge of relief. Thank God... I still feel good when I read this.
Looking forward to you sharing your thoughts... Amanda

For information about Swami Durgananda go to:

To read Swami's articles on Enzine Articles

Thoughts Are Things - Part 3

Intuition is the gross aspect of your higher self.
If you listen to it and follow its direction
you will surely come to understand the subtleties
of your higher self.   
Swami Durgananda

Amanda's Comment: 
Intuition n  1 INSTINCTIVE KNOWLEDGE the state of being aware of or knowing something without having to discover or perceive it, or the ability to do this.  2 INSTICTIVE BELIEF something know or believed instinctively, without actual evidence for it. 3 IMMEDIATE KNOWLEDGE immediate knowledge of something. 
Encarta Concise English Dictionary
How often do we listen to our intuition? 
How often do we give ourselves the space to listen to our intuition?
Looking forward to you sharing your thoughts... Amanda

For information about Swami Durgananda go to:

To read Swami's articles on Enzine Articles

Thoughts Are Things - Part 2

You are not who you were yesterday,
you are not who you will be tomorrow or in an instant.
Your only reality is this moment.
Live in your reality, 
live in the moment all else is as nothing. 
Swami Durgananda

Amanda's Comment:  Why do you spend most of our lives in the past or the future and not in the present?  Bring all your awareness into the breath, this is the pathway I follow to the present moment. My senses are heightened everything is clearer,  I'm in my body - not roaming around in my thoughts - I'm focused and time seems to expand... the challenge is to stay there.  
Looking forward to you sharing your thoughts... Amanda

For information about Swami Durgananda go to:

To read Swami's articles on Enzine Articles

Thoughts Are Things - Part 1

When a strong sense of yearning shines from
our inner being,when we decide we deserve better,
when we are able to caste off the shackles of conditioning only then are we ready
to set forth on the path of yoga.
Swami Durgananda

Amanda's Comment: I'm inspired by these wise words. They motivate me every time I read them, like a call to arms or rallying the troops as I'm reminded of my first steps and why I started my journey on the path of yoga. 

Looking forward to you sharing your thoughts... Amanda

For more information about Swami Durgananda go to:

To read Swami's articles on Enzine Articles go to:

Introduction to ‘Thoughts Are Things’

Hi my name is Amanda Carlton, I was asked to write a blog based on Swami Durgananda's 

book ‘Thoughts Are Things’. Swami Durgananda is a Realized Master & Initiated Master of 

Meditation and the Spiritual Leader of Samata Samashti Dharma. Durga Swami has taught 

yoga, meditation and philosophy around the world for over 40yrs she currently resides in 

Melbourne, Australia.

This blog  is an opportunity  to read, discuss and learn from

Swami's  wisdom.

Looking forward to you sharing your thoughts by adding your comments to the blog ... Amanda

For more information about Swami Durgananda go to:

To read Swami's articles on Enzine Articles go to: