Saturday, August 10, 2013

Thoughts Are Things - Part 11 Revisited

You are a mirror image of your soul.
Swami Durgananda 

If you have any insights you would like to share please comment below:

To purchase Durga Swami's book 'Thought Are Things& for more information go to: 

To read Swami's articles go to:

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Thoughts Are Things - Part 10 Revisited

Faith is not giving in or giving up,faith is living life
to the fullest enjoying every challenge and experience
with joy and enthusiasm.
To have faith is to have knowledge that every moment of your life is lived for the sole purpose of evolution.
Swami Durgananda  

If you have any insights you would like to share please comment below:

To purchase Durga Swami's book 'Thought Are Things& for more information go to: 

To read Swami's articles go to: