Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Thoughts Are Things - Part 28

Don’t waste this life experience
and allow yourself to pass you by
Swami Durgananda

Amanda's Comment: The thought that I could pass myself by was something I'd never imagined. And it was horrendous to me.  

I was getting upset, what if I had already passed myself by? 

All the things I have been thinking about doing with the people I love, all the things I have been dreaming about doing, saying, making, writing... it all came rushing in and I burst into tears. 

After my meltdown I decided to make some changes to the way I live my life (which I’m revising  regularly)  because I don’t want to pass myself by.  

I choose to live the life I was born to live. If that means I live  life with courage and determination, so be it.  If I'm required to challenge and push through the limitations I have built around me to keep myself small then that's how I will live. I’m now in the process of living large.

Wish me luck...  Amanda

If you have any insights and would like to share, I look forward to hearing your thoughts... Amanda 

For more information about Swami Durgananda go 

To read Swami's articles on Enzine Articles go to:


  1. Thanks Amanda, and I can relate to your post.

    Pushing through the limitations I have set for myself is something I have been witnessing in my life of late. Recently life has thrown me many new challenges that I know I wouldn't have been able to handle in the past. It seems that if my attitude is open, optimistic and "can-do" it seems like I can do almost anything. Despite any doubts, I have had the energy to do what I need to do in a day, and achieve great things. This has been a big surprise to me and has meant exposing myself to challenging situations and working with challenging personalities.

    I feel better for it (although quite tired at the minute), it has made me feel stronger as a person, and clearer about who I am and what I want.

    To me, not wasting life means getting past fears and self doubt and getting out of my comfort zone and having a red hot go. From this great things take place!

  2. Thank you for your insightful comments and wise words.
    Your an inspiration Kate, I'm loving the red hot go!!!

  3. I am currently preparing a talk for this coming Monday, for a facilitator training course for Wellness Recovery Action Plan (WRAP). In reading this blog, I thought that a good opening statement could be along the lines of "Are we living the life that we were meant to live?" since this question can be relevant to anyone, regardless of their beliefs, and regardless of their life circumstances.
