Saturday, August 18, 2012

Thoughts Are Things - Part 25

Introspection is looking within, looking into ones thoughts
and feelings it is the only way to get to know yourself. 

For wholistic balance the first step is to go within bring
your focus into the deepest realms of your mind. 

Only so can you begin to understand the subtleties of your 
nature bringing your own world into harmony and balance.
Swami Durgananda

Amanda's Comment:  
Another gift from Swami. Not only wise words but guidance and support to find harmony and balance in our own world. And something else to to meditate on.  

If you have any insights / comments and would like to share, I look forward to hearing your thoughts... Amanda 

For more information about Swami Durgananda go 

Visit: Swami Durgananda Blog:
To read Swami's articles on Enzine Articles go to:

Friday, August 17, 2012

Thoughts Are Things Part 8

The path to enlightenment 
is equilibrium in thought, word and deed.

True balance is not given it is attained.
Swami Durgananda

Amanda's Comment: 
When I think of equilibrium I think of an acrobat standing on a plank, balancing on a ball. The acrobat is ever focused, totally aware of each tiny shift in energy so as to counter act the effect and keep in a state of true balance. It takes courage and perseverance.

If you have any insights / comments and would like to share, I look forward to hearing your thoughts... Amanda 

For more information about Swami Durgananda go 

To read Swami's articles on Enzine Articles go to:

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Thoughts Are Things - Part 24

Yoga Nidra is not for clearing the mind of thoughts or halting the thought process but for getting to know yourself. 

We must always be mindful of the subtle changes
within the mind and especially the ego. 

Remember if we are forever vigilant in our practices
we can never be tricked or diverted 
by misguided conquering thoughts.
Swami Durgananda

Amanda's Comment: Yoga Nidra is a practice of deep relaxation experienced in many schools of yoga as part of a yoga class, it follows the breathing segment and is before the meditation

Many of my students have said its their favorite part of the class

With Swami's wisdom in mind Yoga Nidra is a powerful process, 
I highly recommend it. 
If you have any insights and would like to share, I look forward to hearing your thoughts... Amanda 

For more information about Swami Durgananda go 

Visit: Swami Durgananda Blog:
To read Swami's articles on Enzine Articles go to:

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Thoughts Are Things - Part 23

Allow the vibration of the mantra to ride the breath
and take you to Samadhi
then knock on the gates of reality and enter therein
Swami Durgananda

Amanda's Comments:  
How timely last night my meditation students and I were discussing this very subject - the pathway to meditation.  
Would love to hear your thoughts or comments... Amanda

For more information about Swami Durgananda go 

Monday, August 13, 2012

Thoughts Are Things - Part 22

Meditate in the stillness
of your own universe touch the Self,
find the moment of Your Own Truth
Swami Durgananda

Amanda's Comment: 
 Wise words from the Guru. I'm going to meditate on this, as actions speak louder than words.

For more information about Swami Durgananda go 

Thoughts Are Things - Part 21

Love yourself love God,
know yourself know God. 
Meditate on this and you will become 
the personification of knowledge. 
Swami Durgananda

Amanda's Comment:  
Wise words from the Guru, this could be a daily meditation practice.

For more information about Swami Durgananda go