Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Thoughts Are Things - Part 37

 Negative self-defeating thoughts eat away 
at your health, resolve and stamina like cancer.
By thinking POSITIVE
by suggesting to yourself that you are happy
you will learn to override the information that you 
and others have programmed into your psyche
you will learn to take control of yourself.  

You will be making your world a good place to be.
Swami Durgananda

Amanda's Comment:  This wisdom from Swami is also good advice... Using the power of your mind you can override your conditioning so you can enjoy your life... Give it a go and see what happens... Then come back and share your experience...

If you have any insights and would like to share, I look forward to hearing your thoughts... Amanda 

To purchase the book 'Thought Are Things' & for information about Swami Durgananda go to:www.samatayoga.com.au
To read Swami's articles go to: http://samatasamashtidharma.blogspot.com.au/
or Enzine Articles: http://ezinearticles.com/?expert=Swami_Durgananda

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