Saturday, January 26, 2013

Thoughts Are Things - Part 46

Open yourself up to the 
new and positive horizons 
and don’t dwell on the negative aspects
which can drag you down into the mire of misery and despair.
Swami Durgananda

Amanda's Comment: Thank you Swami, I love to be reminded of the power of positive thinking.  My aim is to catch myself when I get stuck in misery, despair and self pity and change my thoughts to focus on the positive aspects of the experience. When I do I find  that I'm lifted out of my misery and transported to a place of empowerment.  As Swami says - 'Its up to you'! And for me - this is inspiring...

Do you have any insights you would like to share? 

To purchase the book 'Thought Are Things' & for information about Swami Durgananda go
To read Swami's articles go to:
or Enzine Articles:

1 comment:

  1. This is a great teaching. Defeat our negativity is always a hard task once we are so use to having it. But the rewards of eliminating even a little negative thought are enormous.
